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Needs List/ Want List
Help us lift people out of poverty by helping us with our daily needs. We will be updating this list when we no longer need the item.
At the bottom we also will have ongoing needs and a way for you to just donate funds to help our cause. Feel free to drop off items at our dining hall Tuesday through Saturday - 10am - 6pm. If no one is around feel free to leave on a table outside the dining hall.
For more information email us at:
volunteer needs:(Every Tue and Sat 10am - 6pm)
the Great Giveaway
Clothing pantry
Food Service
One Time Needs:
Vacuum Cleaners
computer headsets
Ongoing Needs:
Financial support
deli meats and cheeses
Non perishable items - food pantry
complete meals - food pantry
canned meats - food pantry
toilet paper
paper towels
45 gallon trash bags
laundry soap
New socks - all sizes
dish soap
hand soap
coffee, creamer, sugar substitute
paper plates, cups, bowls
plastic silverware
shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes
gas cards
grocery cards
thank you notes
office supplies
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